Interview with Mr. N. W. Buddika Rasanjana – Prof M L T K Gold Medal Winner 2024

Mr. N. W. Buddika Rasanjana is the winner of  Prof. MLT Kannangara Gold Medal to be awarded at the Faculty of Science General Convocation 2024 (Oct 03-04, 2024) at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall, Colombo.

Published below is an Interview CUFSAA conducted with Buddika Rasanjana.

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Prof M L T Kannangara Gold Medal winner interview Questions

Where did you grow up? What was your childhood like ?

I grew up in various places in Gampaha district. With my father abroad, my mother was in charge of the house. Me and my siblings were close and still are. In those days our mother always pushed us to focus on studies but also encouraged us to do extra curricular activities as well to improve our personalities.

Any specific incident which got you interested in science ?

Growing up, I had always been curious about things that interested me from electronic toys, computers to natural phenomena. As I grew up, I understood that science and mathematics are the fields that can explain those things clearly so naturally I got interested in science.

Why ( or how) did you decide to major in Physics?

The funny thing is that with the limited knowledge I had, I didn’t have the slightest idea on how to progress after ALs. The only lead I had was the TV show, “The Big Bang Theory” which resonated with me with how those physicists tackled everyday problems with over the top scientific analysis, which was hilarious. If I am being honest this show was a major catalyst towards me majoring in Physics. This was in 2017/18 when I was getting ready for ALs. And I am glad that it happened that way and that I didn’t change my choice even though I was eligible for engineering with AL results.

Have you heard about the Late Prof Kannangara before hearing about this award?  What do you know about him now?

We have seen his portrait in the department notice board where all the portraits of previous heads of department are displayed. Besides that I read that he was influential in carrying out contemporary geomagnetic field research in a country like Sri Lanka in the 60s. While his PhD was completed in the field of cosmic rays, he taught many subjects in the university which earned him the title of emeritus professor in the year 1990 according to the CUFSAA website.

Are you interested in Graduate studies? if yes in what area/why?  

Yes I am. I have not currently decided on an area but with the current interests and experience, I am hoping to go in to flexible electronics research or photonics.

What is your career goal(s)? 

My goal is to become a research scientist and contribute as much as possible to the world and be an independent person as much as possible.

What will you say to a new student who is considering a special degree at UoC?

This place will be a turning point in your life. So do not just restrict yourself to the academics. But improve yourself in as many ways as possible. Do engage in clubs and societies, compete in sports and take part in cultural activities as much as possible to broaden your horizons and increase your networking capabilities. These skills will help you as much as your degree in the world and give back to the Department and The university.

What extra-curricular activities you were involved in and how did they help you grow as an individual? Which one(s) were the  closest to your  heat/ and why ?

I was mostly involved in clubs and societies. Clubs like Gavel, helped me overcome my fear of public speaking, and helped me come forward. While Rotary club helped me connect with a lot of like-minded individuals who wanted to give back to society. The departmental physics Society was one of the closest societies since I worked with them for over 2 years in various projects which helped me grow and connect with talented people.