Tamasha 2023 Tickets on Sale – Buy Now!
The Tamasha 2023 Reunion Dinner Dance will be held on Saturday September 02, 2023 from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am at the Toronto Grand Banquet and Convention Centre, (https://www.torontogrand.ca/), 30 Baywood Road, Toronto ON M9V 3Y8, Canada.
Guest Registration starts at 5:30pm followed by cocktail hour starting at 6:00pm. Opening ceremony including lighting of the lamp, speeches, and a cultural show will begin at 7:00pm. Dinner and entertainment by Sri Lankan Live Band, THE SKYLINES with guest artist Thrishelle Wijesinghe and DJ KUSH will continue from 8:00pm to 1:00pm.
Purchase your Tickets as soon as possible: Please purchase tickets early for Dinner/Dance using the procedures described below. Hope to see many of our UofC Science Faculty Alumni, friends, families, and well-wishers! Tamasha 2023 is going to be an inclusive gathering of all interested parties. All are welcome!
*Tamasha Dinner/Dance Ticket Prices
Adult – US$ 90
Child (under 12) – US$ 45
Please visit the webpage: https://www.cufsaa.com/tickets/ for ticket purchases and visit the webpage https://www.cufsaa.com/tamasha2023/ for additional and updated information about the program, ticket prices, and sponsorship availability. Reach out to the Tamasha Organizing Committee (Tamasha@cufsaa.org), if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Sunday Brunch – September 03, 2023 from 10:00 am – 01:00 pm
A Sunday Brunch/Picnic is being organized on September 03, 2023 (Sunday) from 10:00pm – 1:00pm to follow Tamasha 2023. This event is open to all CUFSAA Members, their families and guests.
Attendees will be provided with onsite prepared plain hoppers/egg hoppers and accompaniments, appetizers, soft drinks etc.
The cost of a ticket is Canadian $ 30 for adults and Canadian $15 for children under 12 years old.
The event will be held outdoors at a park shelter at Maxey Park, 181 Willis Rd, Vaughan, ON located 20 min (11 miles) north of the Airport.
Please sign up on this google form (https://forms.gle/cZJziUPX6oarJ6md9) as soon as possible, if you are planning to attend the Brunch/Picnic.
University of Colombo T-shirts on Sale Too!
A University of Colombo t-shirt with the official logo will be on sale at the Tamasha for Canadian $20 as well.
If you are interested in purchasing these T-shirts, you may do so at Tamasha2023.
It would be lovely to wear these Ts to the Sunday Brunch and have group photos!
Once your response to the survey on Google Form (https://forms.gle/cZJziUPX6oarJ6md9) with required information is completed, your tickets to the Sunday Brunch will be reserved. You can pay for the tickets at the Tamasha2023 using check/cash or send your payment to Dr. Lalith Perera, Treasurer – CUFSAA-NA, 502 Rock Garden Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27516, USA. Do not forget to indicate on the Memo line that it is for Sunday Brunch Tickets.
Tamasha Event Sponsorships are available
CUFSAA Members: We know all of you have generously contributed your talent, time, and treasures to CUFSAA over the years which made CUFSAA a growing and successful organization. We greatly appreciate your support for the event with an advertisement or a personal message for the Tamasha 2023 souvenir magazine. We are hoping to reach US $10,000 in revenue from the souvenir. Our sponsorship levels for the event and costs are described in detail at the following link, including the benefits for each level of support.
There are many ways you can utilize a page of the souvenir. Listed below are a few ideas. We can certainly work with you to transform your idea into a beautiful and meaningful message/artwork/photo/etc.
(i) Add a photo of your batch/batchmates or some memorable moment (like a batch trip photo or a campus building photo, etc.)
(ii) A tribute to one of your beloved professors/lecturers (living or passed away)
(iii) Share a poem or a sinhala kaviya
(iv) A short story about your time in UofC or some memorable event, etc.
(v) Pay a tribute to your FIRST friendship or to your SPOUSE whom you first met under the ‘Nuga-tree”, “Sal-gasa” or at the “Open Canteen and shared that fabulous vade+plain-tea” that made your life a PARADISE on earth ;-). [Note: please make sure your FIRST LOVE is your current spouse).
There are 2 ways for sponsorships: a full-page personal message/ad @$100 or an e-ad (10 sec slide) @$50. You can sponsor multiple e-ads/slides.
We look forward to your support. Please be advised that sponsorships need to reach us by no later than August 02, 2023.
Sponsorships for Raffle Draw prices are also available. Sponsors will be listed in the souvenir magazine and will be recognized during the event.
Please include a camera ready copy of your advertisement or email the advertisement to us at info@cufsaa.org.
CUFSAA AGM 2023 – September 02, 2023 from 12:00 -1:00pm
The Annual General Meeting (AGM 2023) of the Colombo University Faculty of Science Alumni Association – North America (CUFSAA-NA) will be held from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm at the Toronto Grand Banquet and Convention Centre, (https://www.torontogrand.ca/), 30 Baywood Road, Toronto ON M9V 3Y8, Canada.
The AGM Notice, Agenda, relevant reports and documents will be available on CUFSAA website in mid August and informed via email to all members of record. If you are not a member, please see below on how to join the association. There are no annual membership dues and the membership is open to any Alumni of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo.
Registration is needed for participation and voting at the meeting and is open for ALL members of the CUFSAA. We hope that you all can join this event and support your association and its path forward. The AGM will be recorded for future reference.
Thank you!
CUFSAA-NA Executive Committee
Call for CUFSAA Executive Committee for 2023-2025 Term
Dear CUFSAA-NA members,
We are requesting nominations for Executive Committee members for the 2023-2025 term. The nominees must be CUFSAA-NA members of good standing. You may self-nominate and/or nominate other consenting members.
Please use the Google form at https://forms.gle/7kmwCbrHv6N9B5p17 to send your nominations. The deadline is July 19th, 2023.
The Executive Committee will select a slate of committee members and office bearers for the next term and will inform the membership on or before August 03rd 2023. The slate will include at least three new committee members as stipulated by CUFSAA Bylaws.
Please visit https://www.cufsaa.com/membership-form/ for details on becoming a CUFSAA-NA member. CUFSAA-NA by-laws are available at https://www.cufsaa.com/bylaws/. If you need further information, please contact the Nominations Committee at nominations2023@cufsaa.org
CUFSAA-NA Nominations Committee
How to Become a member of the Colombo University Science Faculty Alumni Association- North America
It is easy! There are no Fees or Dues!!
Please visit CUFSAA website (cufsaa.com) and fill out the online membership form. The link to the page is https://www.cufsaa.com/membership-form/
Alternatively, you can email info@cufsaa.org the following details about you.
1. Name
2. Postal Address
3. Telephone Numbers
4. Email Address
5. Nature of Association with the Faculty of Science of the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Tell if you were a staff member, undergraduate student, graduate student, etc..)
6. Duration of your association. Please let us know the beginning and ending year of your association.
Newsletter Editorial Policy: CUFSAA welcomes news articles about the University of Colombo Science Faculty alumni for potential inclusion in our newsletter, website or both. The news item must be about alumni and submitted by a member or members of CUFSAA. The editorial committee is especially interested in professional achievements, outstanding contributions, and notable recognition of alumni.The editorial committee reserves the rights to edit the submission as deemed necessary for publication and to make the final decision on the acceptance. Please submit your articles via email to info@cufsaa.org. Please note that the editorial committee, if needed in consultation with the CUFSAA executive committee, makes the final decision on the acceptance of the article and where it would appear. Please visit, CUFSAA Newsletter Article Acceptance Policy page on our website for additional information. Thank you!
About Us: Colombo University Faculty of Science Alumni Association – North America (CUFSAA-NA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in the state of New Jersey, is formed exclusively for social, charitable, and educational purposes to foster, maintain and support a mutually beneficial relationship between the alumni of the Colombo University, Faculty of Science living in North America, The University of Colombo, and the community at large. Your contributions to CUFSAA-NA may be tax deductible. Join us and support these worthy causes. Send an email to info@cufsaa.org.
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Copyright © 2023 Colombo University Science Faculty Alumni Association, All rights reserved.
CUFSAA Newsletter Committee
Colombo University Science Faculty Alumni Association