
Subcommittees of CUFSAA-NA

    • Project & Ad-hoc Committees
      1. Speaker Series
      2. Social Media
      3. Member Services
    • Standing Committees
      1. Project Evaluation Committee – This committee is charged with evaluating new project proposals and on-going projects received by the Association and preparing a report to the Executive Committee who will take appropriate action by majority vote.
      2. Communications Committee – This committee is charged with creating content for newsletters, website, and other social media communication instruments.
      3. Membership and Outreach Committee – This committee is charged with membership drives, outreach activities, and member engagement.
      4. Nomination Committee – The nomination committee will review applications to the Executive Committee Membership. The Nomination Committee will consist of The Founder President, The President, The President Elect and the Immediate Past President (Chair of the Committee).
      5. Advisory Committee – The Advisory Committee shall consist of the Founder President and no more than two Past Presidents other than the Immediate Past President, elected by the majority vote of the Executive Committee. If the Founder President is not available, there can be up to three Past Presidents, other than the Immediate Past President.