Distinguished Speaker Series – Talk 02 – AP de Silva

The second Talk of the CUFSAA-NA Distinguished Speaker Series organized in association with the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo was delivered by Prof. AP de Silva on July 07th 2022, 10:30AM Eastern Time (July 07th 2022, 8:00pm Sri Lankan Time).

Talk Video: Listen to the recorded talk from the following Youtube window. The details of the talk, speaker bio, and other details are described below.

Event Flyer:

Title: From Chemistry to Medical Diagnostics and Information Processing

Brief Bio: Prof. AP de Silva received his early education in chemistry at the University of Colombo. This was followed by PhD and postdoctoral research in photochemistry at Queen’s University of Belfast. After working for 6 years in Colombo, he returned to Belfast where he has remained. He wrote the book ‘Molecular Logic-based Computation’, which is also available in Japanese and Chinese.

Abstract: One of the main principles underlying fluorescent sensors is based on PET (photoinduced electron transfer). A switching ‘on’ of fluorescence in response to chemical and biochemical analytes can be designed in this way. Since its generalization in Colombo, Sri Lanka, it has grown to involve >1130 laboratories worldwide. Some of these sensors are serving in hospitals and ambulances, performing blood diagnostics. These form a half-billion-dollar industry (www.optimedical.com). Other sensors operate inside living cells or near membranes, some of which are too small for silicon-based wireless devices to enter. Our introduction of molecular logic gates from Belfast, Northern Ireland (following inspiration in Colombo, Sri Lanka), allows us to build more complex sensors and micro-object identification systems. Even human-scale computations, e.g. edge detection of objects, are now achieved by molecules. >1430 laboratories have contributed to this field. A short video is available at www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLGnZDP5Ecg.

Additional Ways to view: You can listen to the talk via FBLive and YouTube Live as well.

We sincerely thank Prof. K. M. Nalin de Silva, Head of the Department, Department of Chemistry, University of Colombo for delivering the vote of thanks.

This talk was moderated by Dr. Reshan Fernando on behalf of the Speaker Series subcommittee of CUFSAA-NA.

CUFSAA Distinguished Speaker Series is organized by the Speaker Series subcommittee of CUFSAA-NA in association with the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo.  If you would like to contact the subcommittee please write to us at speaker-series@cufsaa.org. We are particularly interested in hearing from our members with topic and speaker suggestions. Thank you!