
Table of Contents

  1. CUFSAA Newsletter ARCHIVE
  2. Sign up for the Newsletter
  3. Newsletter Article Acceptance Policy


Listed below are the past newsletters. Please click on the newsletter links to view.

Volume 09 [May 2024 – April 2025]

  • No issues are published. Opted for email communication with the membership. Please join CUFSAA Email List to get latest news about CUFSAA-NA.

Volume 08 [May 2023 – April 2024]

Volume 07 [May 2022 – April 2023]

Volume 06 [May 2021 – April 2022]

Volume 05 [May 2020 – April 2021]

Volume 04 [May 2019 – April 2020]

Volume 03 [May 2018 – April 2019]

Volume 02 [May 2017 – April 2018]

Volume 01 [May 2016 – April 2017]

Sign up for the Newsletter

* If you are not getting this newsletter by email, why not sign up?

Please send an email to to sign up. [If you have already signed up, please check your spam folder.]

* We also request that you fill out the following membership form.

Thank you!

Newsletter Article Acceptance Policy

CUFSAA welcomes news articles about the University of Colombo Science Faculty alumni for potential inclusion in our newsletter, website or both. The news item must be about alumni and submitted by a member or members of CUFSAA. The editorial committee is especially interested in professional achievements, outstanding contributions, and notable recognitions of alumni.   The editorial committee reserves the rights to edit the submission as deemed necessary for publication and to make the final decision on the acceptance.  Please submit your articles via email to Please note that the editorial committee, if needed in consultation with the CUFSAA executive committee, makes the final decision on the acceptance of the article and where it would appear.

CUFSAA Policy & Guidelines for newsletter articles

  • The news item must be about an alumnus/alumna or a staff member of the Faculty (academic or non-academic), and submitted by, an alumnus/alumna of the Faculty of Science of the University of Colombo.
  • Please provide the details about the person(s) mentioned in the news item and how they were associated with the University of Colombo, Faculty of Science. (Example: Years of study, degrees obtained, subjects taught, etc)
  • The person submitting the item is responsible for verifying its accuracy.
  • CUFSAA is not responsible for the content nor does posting of the information constitute an endorsement.
  • Submitter must include the submitter’s contact information including name and email address at a minimum.
  • Since any information submitted to CUFSAA Newsletter/website is available to the public, CUFSAA is not responsible for how this information may be used.
  • Submissions may be edited for the length and clarity.
  • The decision of the CUFSAA editorial committee to include or exclude an article is final. However, the submitter may appeal the decision in writing to the full executive committee of CUFSAA ( and ask for a clarification.
  • Articles must adhere to the constitution, bylaws and operating policies and guidelines of the CUFSAA.